
Showing posts from July, 2023
This week I've been prompted to choose a company and write about their online and social media presence. I've chosen Apple this time as they have a good grasp on marketing in the digital age. Website and Social Media Excellence: Apple's website is a prime example of minimalist design at its best. Upon visiting , you're greeted with a visually captivating display of their latest products like iPhones, MacBooks, and iPads. The strategic placement of the navigation menu at the top ensures easy accessibility to various sections, making user navigation a breeze. Their social media channels, notably Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube, are equally impressive. Apple's posts are professionally curated, emphasizing product launches, customer stories, and creative content. It's clear that they have a firm grasp on maintaining consistency and engagement across their platforms.  Apple's website organization is strategically crafted to maximize user experience.
 This week I've been prompted to write about Mark Prensky's and Paul Kirschner's research on digital divide. My first prompt is: According to Prensky, what category do you fall into, and how has this affected your learning?  According to Prensky I would fall right into digital native, I was born in 1999 and have been using computers and the internet since 6. I was the one removing viruses from the family computer when my mom or siblings would place them on there. (and blame me and my video games for the trojans they downloaded) I feel right at home using electronic devices and I get super aggravated dealing with older folks who refuse to use modern soft-wares to make everyone's life easier though I somewhat understand the challenge they face, It's affected my learning by making me very jaded and overall gives me a negative feeling towards academia. I hate hate hate the modern day degree mills and nepotism-driven money factories that college has become, and I say thi
 Week 3 Discussion For this week's discussion I've been prompted to analyze and discuss an interpersonal relationship through the lens of Knapp's relational model. To be frank I've no interest whatsoever in discussing my interpersonal relationships in any sort of public forum and I think it's almost an inappropriate and irresponsible prompt but here I digress in the interest of moving this class along. Today, I'll keep things simple here and I will focus on the circumscribing stage. The relationship I'll analyze is with my sister since she's an influencer and there's some relevance there in dissecting how the impacts of online communication has effected the relationship.     I adore my older sister, I look up to her in a great deal of ways but her and I could not be more polar opposites in a lot of other ways. Now since this is an age old relationship of siblings there's a constant ebb and flow of where our relationship may stand on the scale of
  Today I was prompted to answer two questions in class I'll start with the first; Do different social networking sites offer other benefits and drawbacks?  I would say so. I hardly use social media but the ones I do use tend to serve a purpose. I have LinkedIn for obvious reasons, Reddit and Discord for information and conversation surrounding interesting topics I'm into and Instagram for keeping up with friends and meeting people. They all excel in certain things. While some might be on Instagram for careers in the influencer business some are going to be on LinkedIn for other more traditional career paths. They have their drawbacks as well, Reddit doesn't quite promote social interaction in the same way Instagram might, facebook for all I know doesn't have the advanced customizable features of discord or the addicting short form content of TikTok. The second question prompted was; Do social networking sites have any responsibility in promoting mental health in their

About me:

"Where are you from? Where are you living now?" I'm from Detroit Michigan, I currently live in Seattle Washington "Which degree are you working towards?" The Degree I'm working on is a BS in Computer Science  "What do you hope to do with your degree? What are your career ambitions?"  I work in finance and hope to combine this degree with a CFA charter to go into asset management and quant finance. I also want to pursue cyber security in the field.