Today I was prompted to answer two questions in class I'll start with the first; Do different social networking sites offer other benefits and drawbacks? 

I would say so. I hardly use social media but the ones I do use tend to serve a purpose. I have LinkedIn for obvious reasons, Reddit and Discord for information and conversation surrounding interesting topics I'm into and Instagram for keeping up with friends and meeting people. They all excel in certain things. While some might be on Instagram for careers in the influencer business some are going to be on LinkedIn for other more traditional career paths. They have their drawbacks as well, Reddit doesn't quite promote social interaction in the same way Instagram might, facebook for all I know doesn't have the advanced customizable features of discord or the addicting short form content of TikTok.

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The second question prompted was; Do social networking sites have any responsibility in promoting mental health in their users? If so, how might they go about doing so?

As far as this goes I personally don't believe it's the responsibility of the corporation to promote mental health in their users. They give people a forum and a platform and if people want to behave irresponsibly that's up to them. If someone wants to make a platform with mental health in mind, or if they want to police their platform to make it feel safer for people more power to them but I don't think its anyone's responsibility necessarily.


 Is social media bad for your health? - MSU Denver RED


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